Privacy policy

Who We Are

Our website’s address is


We collect information from the comments you leave on our site, like what you write, your computer’s address, and the type of web browser you’re using. This helps us prevent unwanted messages.
Gravatar might use a secret code made from your email address to check if it’s you. Learn more about this at Once we approve your comment, your picture will show up next to it for everyone to see.

Photos and Videos

If you want to add pictures to our website, avoid using ones that show where you took them. People can copy these images and find out where you were.


When you leave a comment, we might keep your name, email, and website in cookies. These cookies make it easier for you to comment again later without typing everything. They last for a year.
When you go to our login page, a cookie might stay on your device to see if it accepts cookies. This cookie doesn’t remember personal things and goes away when you close your browser.

After you log in, more cookies will remember your login and how you want things to look. These stay for a short time or a year. If you click “Remember Me,” your login stays for two weeks. After you log out, these cookies go away.

When you edit or publish something, a new cookie will be made, but it only knows what you edited and doesn’t know personal stuff. It disappears after a day.

Other Websites’ Stuff

After you log in, we make cookies to remember your login and how things look. Cookies for the way things look stay for a year, and login cookies stay for two days. If you click “Remember Me,” your login stays for two weeks. When you log out, these cookies go away.

When you edit or publish, a new cookie knows what you did, but it doesn’t know personal things. It goes away after a day.

Rules from Other Companies

The Softonic Privacy Policy doesn’t cover other websites or ads. If you want to know more, look at the special rules each company has. These might tell you how to say “no” to some kinds of tracking.
You can also say “no” to cookies in your web browser settings. To learn more, look at your browser’s website.

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) Don’t Sell My Information

The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) provides rights to people living in California. Some of these rights are as follows:

  1. Requesting a company to reveal the specific types and detailed details of customer data it has obtained.

You can demand a company to show you what categories of customer information it has gathered and give you detailed information.

  1. Asking a company to delete any personal data it has about you that it has collected.

You have the option to ask a company to erase any personal details it has about you.

  1. Demanding a company to stop selling a customer’s personal data if it is currently doing so.

If a company is currently selling your personal information, you can tell them to stop.

When you send a request, we have a month to reply. If you intend to exercise any of these rights, kindly reach out to us.

GDPR Data Protection Rights

Our aim is to make sure you fully know and understand all your rights related to data protection. Every user has these rights:

  • Right to access – You can ask for copies of your personal data when you want. We might charge a small fee for this.
  • Right to correction – You can ask us to fix any data you believe is wrong. You can also ask us to add information you think is missing.
  • Right to deletion – Sometimes, you can ask us to erase your personal information from our records.
  • Right to halt processing – In specific cases, you can ask us to stop using your personal data.
  • Right to protest processing – Under certain conditions, you can object to how we’re using your personal data.
  • Right to data transfer – Sometimes, you can ask to move the information we collected to another company or directly to you.

We need to reply to your request within a month if you choose to use any of these rights. If you wish to make use of any of these entitlements, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.

Who We Share With

If you ask to reset your password, your computer’s address will be in the email we send.

How Long We Keep Your Info

If you leave a comment, we keep it and its details forever. This helps us allow more comments without checking each one.

If you sign up, we keep your info too. You can change most of it, but not your username. Only the website’s bosses can do that.

Your Rights Over Your Info

You can get a file of your info or ask us to delete it. But if we need to keep it for reasons like rules or safety, we won’t delete it.

Where We Send Your Info

A service that automatically finds spam that may be used to examine visitor comments.